Just Creative Writing and Indexing Services provides professional freelance assistance in both editing and/or indexing your material. The work is thorough, and prepared according to either Chicago Manual of Style guidelines, or APA style.

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One of the most frustrating things about writing is revising one’s work. Strong writers know that they cannot edit their own work because they are too close to it. Recognizing the importance of a professional edit is the first step to moving from putting the story on paper, to becoming a successful, published writer.

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An index is vital to a nonfiction work, be it biography, history, science, math, or academic. A nonfiction book that does not have an index is truly a naked book; it might be the most fascinating book ever written, but if the reader cannot use it as a reference tool, it really has little value.

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Book Reviews

In my other life, I read books and prepare book reviews for the New York Journal of Books. I find that reviewing other books provides me with a strong sense of style, format, and information when editing. I’d be happy to answer any questions about my reviews.

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I will endeavor to share insight into my writing, editing, indexing, and ghosting efforts on a weekly basis. I welcome your comments and thoughts, and the opportunity to chat about all things words.

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